The Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) was introduced to finance the development of small and medium sized agricultural and horticultural development in Seychelles, particularly in terms of food security. Only registered farmers, agricultural input producers, agricultural service providers (e.g. abattoirs and hatchery services) and Agricultural Processors (e.g. butchers, fruits and vegetable processors for jams etc.) who are engaged in full time agricultural activities are eligible for a loan under the ADF Scheme.
Loan Details
ADF loans offer a repayment period of up to 15 years
Financing up to 100% of the project cost, depending on the project
The maximum loan amount is SR5,000,000
Interest rate can be as low as 2.5%
Eligible projects to be financed under this scheme include (but are not limited to):
Where a loan application also involves the building or refurbishment of a pre-fab (demountable) farm house, the funds allocated for this specific expense shall be one quarter (1/4) of the loan amount or SR 350,000.00 whichever is the lowest.
No building of bricks (fix structure) houses will be considered as part of loan applications for agricultural processing and agricultural service providers or input producers.